The Holiday
This is the whole near-10 minutes of the first bit of The Holiday, but it was the only clip I could find of the computer scene in it, so watch from 8:00 - onwards.
This is exactly what we want to create in our opening sequence - two people in entirely different places having a conversation, muttering some lines, typing others. The techniques used to let the audience know what's being said are:
- Speaking of what they are saying AS they type it
- Muttering their replies AS they read it
- Close-up onscreen of the text appearing AS it is being typed
- Close-up of keys being pressed
- Close-up of lips/faces AS words are muttered
It would be good if we could use a combination of all these techniques to show the conversation in our sequence, and not just the same one over and over, to show variety. We will film the whole thing from the different perspectives and then intergrate them using the different "techniques".
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