Our finished film

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Just been to South Africa for my cousin's wedding, and while there, I discovered something really interesting and good.

I was having my hair done, for the wedding, and i picked up a magazine from the middle of the pile. On the cover was one line describing a story about teen suicide pacts over the internet, and since I thought this was relevant to our film, I chose that magazine. I turned to the article, and the journalist had titled it "Caught in the Web" which is our film title that we had decided a week before that!

This finding made me happy because it proved that our title was really good and appropriate, since someone in another country had used it for their real magazine.

That's it really..

OH, and I watched our final film for the first time yesterday (as I was away for our actual deadline) and I really liked it! I watched it with my dad (who was in it) and he said "Ooh that's really quite good! It's amazing how quickly it all happens. Is there any more?" and then he said "the end part could have been a bit slower perhaps". So, first feedback is pretty good as it left him wanting to see more, and he doesn't even like horror films.. But I suppose ours is kind of a hybrid of horror and thriller because it doesn't have as much slashing as other horror films, and has the thriller aspect of a chase and is full of enigma.