Our finished film

Monday, November 17, 2008

Research: Instruments of Murder

We thought we'd look at murder weapons and how they've featured in some classic films/scenes. This is our moodboard of many different instruments of murder, such as the knife, gun, chainsaw and pills:

1) Misery

As you can see, this is the classic scene in the classic horror/thriller "Misery", where Cathy Bates, the derranged obsessive kidnapper breaks the feet of her victim.

2) Nightmare On Elm Street
This is the infamous star of "Nightmare on Elm Street", the murderer Freddy Kruger with knives for fingers. The make up use is also really effective in creating his character - he clearly stands out from the usual killer. There is an element of humour about his outfit now, but at the time he was a terrifying character. I like the idea of using exaggerated make-up, as I think this is usually more effective than an understated killer. However Freddy Kruger's face would be too complicated.

3) Halloween

Mike Myers in "Halloween" always uses the kitchen knife as his tool, right from when he's as little boy and takes in from his kitchen. We all have kitchen knives so this would be a practical tool!

4) Psycho

The shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" became a cult classic, and this silhouetted shot of Norman Bates, the murderer, dressing up as his mother and raising the knife to kill his victim, is a great example of film photography legend. There is enigma in that we don't know who he is, and the blur of the shower spray creates thrilling anticipation - he's about to pierce that watery sheet.

5) The Texas Chainsaw Masacre

Although it would be hard to get our hands on a chainsaw, it's such a scary murder weapon that it really appeals to me! It connotes real destruction and lots of blood...and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre really is a sick, horrible film - brilliant, but totally sick. Again, difficult for our task on a low budget/not a lot of time.

6) The Shining

The axe hacking its way through the bathroom door in "The shining" we thought was a good example of a random object being used as the killer's main choice of weapon - apart from the knife, it's the best, I think. The audience is more scared because they know axes are more accessible than a gun or a chainsaw.

by Holly, Amelia & Laura